
Gyrochronal age for one star

Given a single star’s rotation period, effective temperature, and uncertainties, what is the gyrochronological age posterior over a grid spanning 0 to 2.6 Gyr?

import numpy as np
from gyrointerp import gyro_age_posterior

# units: days
Prot, Prot_err = 11, 0.2

# units: kelvin
Teff, Teff_err = 4500, 100

# uniformly spaced grid between 0 and 2600 megayears
age_grid = np.linspace(0, 2600, 500)

# calculate the age posterior at each age in `age_grid`
age_posterior = gyro_age_posterior(
    Prot, Teff,
    Prot_err=Prot_err, Teff_err=Teff_err,

This takes about 30 seconds to run on my laptop. You can then use a helper function to calculate summary statistics of interest:

# calculate dictionary of summary statistics
from gyrointerp import get_summary_statistics
result = get_summary_statistics(age_grid, age_posterior)

print(f"Age = {result['median']} +{result['+1sigma']} -{result['-1sigma']} Myr.")

You can also plot the posterior using matplotlib:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(age_grid, 1e3*age_posterior, c='k', lw=1)
    'xlabel': 'Age [Myr]',
    'ylabel': 'Probability ($10^{-3}\,$Myr$^{-1}$)',
    'title': f'Prot = {Prot}d, Teff = {Teff}K',
    'xlim': [0,2000]

This age posterior is highly asymmetric because this particular rotation period and temperature overlap with the era of “stalled spin-down”.

Gyrochronal ages for many stars

Given the rotation periods, temperatures, and uncertainties for many stars, what are the implied age posteriors?

In the example below, we will calculate age posteriors using the gyro_age_posterior_list function. We will do this for a number of stars equal to the number of cores on your computer, so that the runtime should be roughly the same as for the single-star example above.

import os
import numpy as np, pandas as pd
from gyrointerp import gyro_age_posterior_list, get_summary_statistics

def main():

    # Define temperatures, periods, and uncertainties for some stars.
    # At >~20 days, assume a few percent relative uncertainty on periods.
    N_stars = os.cpu_count()
    Teffs = np.linspace(4000, 5500, N_stars)
    Teff_errs = 100 * np.ones(N_stars)
    Prots = np.linspace(15, 22, N_stars)
    Prot_errs = 0.03 * Prots

    # The output posteriors will be cached at ~/.gyrointerp_cache/{cache_id}
    cache_id = 'my_awesome_stars'

    # A 5500 K star with Prot = 22 d will be near the Ruprecht-147 sequence.
    # Let's extend the age_grid up to 4000 Myr (4 Gyr); the extrapolation
    # past 2.6 Gyr will be based on the M67 data.
    age_grid = np.linspace(0, 4000, 500)

    # Let's pass optional star IDs to name the posterior csv files.
    star_ids = [f"FOO{ix}" for ix in range(N_stars)]

    # This function will compute the posteriors, and cache them to CSV files
    csvpaths = gyro_age_posterior_list(
        cache_id, Prots, Teffs, Prot_errs=Prot_errs, Teff_errs=Teff_errs,
        star_ids=star_ids, age_grid=age_grid, bounds_error="4gyrlimit",

    # Read the posteriors and print their summary statistics.
    for csvpath, Prot, Teff in zip(sorted(csvpaths), Prots, Teffs):
        df = pd.read_csv(csvpath)
        r = get_summary_statistics(df.age_grid, df.age_post)
        msg = f"Age = {r['median']} +{r['+1sigma']} -{r['-1sigma']} Myr."
        print(f"Teff {int(Teff)} Prot {Prot:.2f} {msg}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

In this example we guarded the multiprocessing being executed in gyro_age_posterior_list in a __main__ block, per the suggestion in the multiprocessing docs. This example also takes about 30 seconds to run on my laptop. Since this is the same runtime as the single-star case, this means that the multithreading is doing what we want.

Visual interpolation for a star’s age

We sometimes might want to examine where a given star falls in the rotation-temperature plane in comparison to known reference clusters. If a star has a rotation period that corresponds to lots of possible ages, we should be sure that that this expectation is being mirrored in the age posteriors! Accounting for this type of intrinsic population level scatter is one of the main goals of the BPH23 model.

In this example, we will compare the rotation periods of a few stars that are known to have transiting planets against the reference cluster datasets. To make the plot, let’s first install a package to automate the matplotlib style-setting:

$ pip install aesthetic

We can then use the plot_prot_vs_teff function under gyrointerp.plotting:

from gyrointerp.plotting import plot_prot_vs_teff

# write the results to the current working directory
outdir = "./"

# show these cluster Prot vs Teff datasets
reference_clusters = [
    'α Per', 'Pleiades', 'Blanco-1', 'Psc-Eri', 'NGC-3532', 'Group-X',
    'Praesepe', 'NGC-6811'

# underplot these polynomial fits
model_ids = [
    'α Per', '120-Myr', '300-Myr', 'Praesepe', 'NGC-6811'

# overplot these stars with big markers
custom_stardict = {
    "Kepler-1643": {"Prot":5.1, "Teff":4916, "m":"s", "c":"red"},
    "TOI-1136": {"Prot":8.7, "Teff":5770, "m":"X", "c":"pink"},
    "TOI-1937 A": {"Prot":6.6, "Teff":5798, "m":"P", "c":"aqua"},

# make the plot
    outdir, reference_clusters=reference_clusters, model_ids=model_ids,
    custom_stardict=custom_stardict, writepdf=0

which yields the following plot:


Kepler-1643, TOI-1136, and TOI-1937 provide three interestingly different examples. Kepler-1643 is ~40 Myr old based on cluster membership, and it hosts a close-in mini-Neptune around twice the size of Earth. TOI-1136 is a field star with six known transiting planets, and rotation is currently the most constraining line of evidence for its ~700 Myr age. Finally, TOI-1937 is a system for which gyrochronology should probably not be applied. The reasons are that it is both a known binary, with a widely-separated companion, and the primary also hosts a hot Jupiter, which might spin up the primary through tides. This kind of interaction is exactly the kind of thing that we tried to avoid by cleaning out binaries in BPH23! While it is in principle possible to construct models that account for known tidal or other spin-up, the BPH23 model does not attempt to do this.